DIL/NetPC DNP/9200
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DIL/NetPC DNP/9200: PIO Mapping
The DNP/9200 PIO bits PA0 to PA7, PB0 to PB7 and PC0 to PC3 are driven by the Atmel AT91RM9200 ARM9-based 32-bit microcontroller internal parallel input/output
controller. This controller manages up 32 fully programmable input/output lines. 20 of these lines are used to implement the DNP/9200 20-bit PIO (Parallel Input
Output Port). The bits of the DNP/9200 20-bit PIO are direct connected to signals of the Atmel AT91RM9200. The following table shows the mapping.
DNP/9200 PIO Mapping |
Pin |
Name |
Function |
AT91RM9200 PIO Signal |
1 |
PA0 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 0 |
PIOB Controller Bit 6 |
2 |
PA1 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 1 |
PIOB Controller Bit 7 |
3 |
PA2 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 2 |
PIOB Controller Bit 8 |
4 |
PA3 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 3 |
PIOB Controller Bit 9 |
5 |
PA4 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 4 |
PIOB Controller Bit 10 |
6 |
PA5 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 5 |
PIOB Controller Bit 11 |
7 |
PA6 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 6 |
PIOC Controller Bit 1 |
8 |
PA7 |
Parallel I/O, Port A, Bit 7 |
PIOC Controller Bit 3 |
9 |
PB0 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 0 |
PIOA Controller Bit 27 |
10 |
PB1 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 1 |
PIOA Controller Bit 28 |
11 |
PB2 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 2 |
PIOA Controller Bit 29 |
12 |
PB3 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 3 |
PIOB Controller Bit 3 |
13 |
PB4 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 4 |
PIOB Controller Bit 4 |
14 |
PB5 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 5 |
PIOB Controller Bit 5 |
15 |
PB6 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 6 |
PIOA Controller Bit 5 |
16 |
PB7 |
Parallel I/O, Port B, Bit 7 |
PIOA Controller Bit 6 |
17 |
PC0 |
Parallel I/O, Port C, Bit 0 |
PIOA Controller Bit 1 |
18 |
PC1 |
Parallel I/O, Port C, Bit 1 |
PIOA Controller Bit 0 |
19 |
PC2 |
Parallel I/O, Port C, Bit 2 |
PIOA Controller Bit 2 |
20 |
PC3 |
Parallel I/O, Port C, Bit 3 |
PIOA Controller Bit 3 |
Please Note: Each AT92RM9200 parallel I/O pin is configurable, according to product definition as either a general-purpose I/O line
only, or as an I/O line multiplexed with one or two peripheral I/Os. See also the DNP/9200 alternate function description.
SSV EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. Board Level Products. File: dnp0077.htm, Last Update: 13.Apr.2012
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