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DIL/NetPC DNP/9200: User Documentation

DNPSK23-FS.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: DNP/9200 Linux Starter Kit DNP/SK23: First Steps. This document describes the steps for the first use of the DNP/9200 DNP/SK23 starter kit with the DNP/EVA9 evaluation board. The document offers also some information for the host and development system setup.

DNPSK23-WCE-FS.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: DNP/9200 Windows CE Starter Kit DNP/SK23-WCE: First Steps. This document describes the steps for the first use of the DNP/9200 DNP/SK23-WCE starter kit with the DNP/EVA9 evaluation board. The document offers also some information for the host and development system setup.

DNPSK25-FS.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: DNP/9200 Linux Starter Kit DNP/SK25: First Steps. This document describes the steps for the first use of the DNP/9200 DNP/SK25 starter kit with the DNP/EVA10 evaluation board. The document offers also some information for the host and development system setup.

DNP9200-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 Hardware Reference. This document describes the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a DNP/9200 block diagram, a component description and part location diagrams.

DNP9200-20-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 Board Revision 2.0 Hardware Reference. This document describes the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a DNP/9200 block diagram, a component description and part location diagrams.

DNPEVA9-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA9 Evaluation Board User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA9 Hardware Reference. This document describes the DNP/EVA9 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a DNP/EVA9 block diagram and a component description. The DNP/EVA9 is a part of the DNP/SK23 starter kit.

DNPEVA10-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA10 Evaluation Board User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA10 Hardware Reference. This document describes the DNP/EVA10 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a DNP/EVA10 block diagram and a component description. The DNP/EVA10 is a part of the DNP/SK25 starter kit.

DNPEVA10-AI.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA10 Evaluation Board User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA10 Assembly Instructions. The evaluation board DNP/EVA10 is also as kit available. This document describes the DNP/EVA10 assembly.

DNPEVA12-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA12 Evaluation Board User Information. Title: DIL/NetPC DNP/EVA12 Hardware Reference. This document describes the DNP/EVA12 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a DNP/EVA12 block diagram and a component description. The DNP/EVA12 is a part of the DNP/9200 Router Application Kit (RAK).

MB920-E2M-HWR.pdf: MB/920-E2M Smart Metering IP Gateway Base Board User Information. Title: MB/920-E2M Hardware Reference. This document describes the MB/920-E2M features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a MB/920-E2M block diagram and a component description.

ModZbee1-HWR.pdf: Mod/Zbee1 ZigBee Mesh Networking Modem User Information. Title: Mod/Zbee1 Hardware Reference. This document describes the Mod/Zbee1 features, connectors, jumpers and pinouts. The document also offers a Mod/Zbee1 block diagram and information’s about an operation environment. The Mod/Zbee1 supports the modem socket connector J6 of a DNP/EVA12 evaluation board.

SPIADC1-HWR.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Documentation. Title: SPI/ADC1 Hardware Reference.. This document describes the Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC) module features. The document also offer the SPI/ADC1 block diagram. The SPI/ADC1 is a option for the DNP/9200 starter kit DNP/SK23.

DNP9200-SSH.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Documentation. Title: Installing an SSH Connection - User Manual.. This document describes the SSH add-on for the DNP/9200 embedded Linux O/S and a sample session setup between the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 and a Windows XP-based PC.

DNP9200-PPP.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Documentation. Title: Installing a PPP Connection - User Manual.. This document describes the PPP add-on for the DNP/9200 embedded Linux O/S and a sample session setup between the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 and a Windows XP-based PC.

DNP9200_JTAG.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Documentation. Title: DNP/9200 JTAG to Multi-ICE adaptor.. Schematic for a DNP/9200 JTAG to Multi-ICE adaptor. This schematic shows a diagram for connecting the DNP/9200 JTAG connector J2 to a standard ARM Multi-ICE connector.

pincount.pdf: DIL/NetPC Family User Information. Title: The DIL/NetPC DIL-64 and QIL-128 Pin Counting. The DIL/NetPC family members comes in different pin outs and form factors. This short document describes the pin count mechanism for the DIL-64 (DIL = Dual-in-Line) and the QIL-128 (QIL = Quad-In-Line) form factor.

u-boot-cmd.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Information. Title: U-Boot Boot Loader Command Overview. The DNP/9200 boot loader - called "U-Boot" - offers a RS232 serial line- based command line interface. This short document shows a table with the DNP/9200 U-Boot commands.

ssv_remote_support.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 User Documentation. Title: SSV Remote Support with TeamViewer. This document describes how to prepare your Windows-based PC and the DNP/9200 for SSV Remote Support.

mHT9200-01.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to get Information’s about CPU Speed and available Memory. This short document describes how to use the Linux /proc file system for information's about CPU speed and available memory.

mHT9200-02.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to understand the DNP/9200 Boot Process with RCM enabled. Direct after power-up the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 starts an automatic boot process from the on-board flash memory chip. This short document describes the two steps of the boot process if the RCM jumper (RCM = Remote Console Mode) is set (RCM enabled).

mHT9200-03.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to understand the DNP/9200 Boot Process with RCM disabled. Direct after power-up the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 starts an automatic boot process from the on-board flash memory chip. This document describes the two steps of the process if the RCM jumper (RCM = Remote Console Mode) is not set (RCM disable).

mHT9200-04.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the U-Boot Autoboot Feature. With RCM enabled, it is possible to interrupt the boot process within a time period called “bootdelay” and use the U-Boot boot loader command line interface. This short document describes how to change the value for "bootdelay".

mHT9200-05.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to download a new Linux O/S Image File. The U-Boot boot loader allows to download a new Linux O/S image file to the DNP/9200 RAM and/or flash memory. This short document describes the steps for download and store a new Linux O/S image file.

mHT9200-06.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to change the U-Boot IP Addresses. This short document describes how to change the U-Boot boot loader TCP/IP parameters "ipaddr", "serverip" and "netmask".

mHT9200-07.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the DNP/9200 Linux Serial Console. This short document describes how to use the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 Linux serial console with a terminal emulation program (i.e. Windows-HyperTerminal or Linux-Minicom).

mHT9200-08.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the DNP/9200 Linux Telnet Server. This short document describes how to use the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 Linux Telnet server with a PC-based Telnet client program over a Ethernet link.

mHT9200-09.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to find the DNP/9200 Ethernet MAC Address. This short document describes how to find the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 Ethernet MAC Address (i.e. for Firewall configurations) with the U-Boot boot loader or the Linux operating system command line interface.

mHT9200-10.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: The DNP/9200 Factory-Set IP Address. This short document describes how to find the files with the factory-set values for the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 IP address, network mask etc.

mHT9200-11.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to change the DNP/9200 Factory-Set IP Address (ipaddree usage). This short document describes how to change the DNP/9200 factory-set IP address with the help of a command-line tool, called "ipaddree".

mHT9200-12.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to set the DNP/9200 IP Address with DHCP. This short document describes how to use the DNP/9200 DHCP client program. This client reads a IP address at DNP/9200 Linux boot time from a DHCP server.

mHT9200-13.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the coLinux Tool Chain for DNP/9200 C Programming. This short document describes how to use the SSV coLinux tool chain from your Windows XP environment together with the GNU ARM cross tools for DNP/9200 C/C++ programming.

mHT9200-14.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the pre-build ARM GNU tool chain for DNP/9200 C Programming. This short document describes how to use the pre-build SSV ARM Linux GNU tool chain from your Linux-based PC environment for DNP/9200 C/C++ programming.

mHT9200-15.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to send a SMS with the Sony Ericsson GSM Modem. This short document describes how to send a SMS (Short Message Service) with the Sony Ericsson GSM modem. The document describes the software components and the necessary AT commands.

mHT9200-16.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to send a SMS with the Siemens MC45 GSM Modem. This short document describes how to send a SMS (Short Message Service) with the Siemens MC45 GSM modem. The document describes the software components and the necessary AT commands.

mHT9200-17.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use an USB Memory Stick. This short document describes how to mount an USB memory stick to the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 embedded Linux file system and how to access this memory stick.

mHT9200-18.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use an Ethernet Sniffer Program. This short document describes how to use the Ethereal LAN sniffer program from the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 starter kit CD-ROM for capture, display and analyse Ethernet LAN traffic.

mHT9200-19.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the DNP/9200 Linux FTP Server. This short document describes how to use the DNP/9200 FTP server for Ethernet-based file transfers between a PC and the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200.

mHT9200-20.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to measure the Ethernet network throughput. This short document describes how to use the NETIO tool for Ethernet LAN throughput benchmarks and measurements between a PC and the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200.

mHT9200-21.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How can I find the used TCP and UDP sockets of my Windows PC? This short document describes how to use TCPView. TCPView shows all used endpoints. On Windows NT, 2000 and XP TCPView even displays the name of the process that owns each endpoint.

mHT9200-22.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the DNP/SK23 as a RS232-based Device Server. This short document describes how to use socat together with the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 and the DNP/EVA9. Socat is a command line based utility that establishes two bidirectional byte streams with different hardware interfaces and transfers data between them. One stream can be a TCP socket. The other a RS232-based connection.

mHT9200-23.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the RTC with external Battery Backup Voltage. The DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 offers a Real Time Clock (RTC) chip and an external battery voltage input pin. The battery voltage supplies the RTC if the DNP/9200 main voltage is off. This short document describes how to set the RTC.

mHT9200-24.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to upgrade to Linux Kernel Version 2.6. This short document describes how to upgrade the DNP/9200 to Linux Kernel Version 2.6. A pre-build Linux O/S image file with kernel version 2.6.16 is available from CD-ROM or via Web-based download.

mHT9200-25.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use a MMC (MultiMediaCard) with Linux Kernel 2.6.16. This short document describes how to use MultiMediaCards (MMCs) with the DNP/9200 and Linux Kernel Version 2.6.16.

mHT9200-26.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to mount a MultiMediaCard (MMC) at Boot Time. The DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 DNP/SK23 starter kit is prepared for MMC usage, if the DNP/9200 runs Linux O/S kernel version 2.6.16.This short document describes how to mount the MMC after each boot with the help of shell script commands.

mHT9200-27.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to install the SSH and SFTP Server Programs. This short document describes how to install the SSH (Secure Shell) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server updates for the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 with Linux kernel version 2.6.16.

mHT9200-28.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to disable the Linux Serial Console. The COM1 default configuration implements a Linux serial console and a command line interface for the U-Boot boot loader.This short document describes how to set COM1 free for user application usage.

mHT9200-29.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use PHP with the DNP/9200 Web Server. This short document describes how to install and use the PHP expansion software. This add-on allows you to write PHP scripts for the DNP/9200 embedded web server.

mHT9200-30.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to understand the DNP/9200 PIO signal mapping. The bits of the DNP/9200 20-bit PIO (Parallel Input Output Port) are directly connected to signals of the Atmel AT91RM9200 ARM920T-based 32-bit microcontroller.This short document describes the mapping.

mHT9200-31.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the DNP/9200 Autostart Feature. This short document describes how to write a Linux shell script file for the DNP/9200 Linux Autostart feature. The Autostart feature allows you to start a program at boot time.

mHT9200-32.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to write a Hello World for the DNP/9200 Web server. This short document describes how to write the HTML code for "Hello World" and how to store this code within the DNP/9200 flash memory.

mHT9200-33.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to write a CGI shell script for the DNP/9200 Web server. This short document describes how to write a Linux shell script file for the DNP/9200 Web server CGI interface (CGI = Common Gateway Interface) and how to run this program with the help of a Web browser.

mHT9200-34.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to write a CGI for the DNP/9200 Web server in C. This short document describes how to write a C-based CGI program for the DNP/9200 Web server CGI interface (CGI = Common Gateway Interface) and how to run this program with the help of a Web browser.

mHT9200-35.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to install the DNP/9200 Router Application Kit (RAK) Firmware. Together with the DNP/EVA12 evaluation board, the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 is useable as an industrial router between an Ethernet LAN and the analogue/ISDN/GSM telephone network. This short document describes how to install and run the Router Application Kit (RAK) Firmware.

mHT9200-36.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the Router Application Kit (RAK) Firmware with GSM/GPRS. This short document describes how to configure the RAK firmware for GSM/GPRS-based Internet connections. The document shows also how to create an Internet connection over the RAK GSM/GPRS modem.

mHT9200-37.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use a Router Application Kit (RAK) modem with AT commands. This short document describes how to use the analogue, ISDN or GSM/GPRS/EDGE modems of your DNP/EVA12 evaluation board with the modem-typical AT command set.

mHT9200-38.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to identify the Router Application Kit (RAK) modem type. The DNP/9200 RAK comes with a preinstalled analogue, ISDN or GSM/GPRS/EDGE modem. This document shows the three different modem types.

mHT9200-39.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to understand the Router Application Kit (RAK) Firmware. The DNP/9200 RAK firmware contains a web-based user interface with five main menu items. This document describes these items.

mHT9200-40.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the Router Application Kit (RAK) Firmware with Modems. This short document describes how to configure the RAK firmware for modem-based Internet connections. The document shows also how to create an Internet connection over the RAK with analogue or ISDN modem.

mHT9200-41.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use AJAX technology with the DNP/9200 embedded web server. The elements of web-based user interfaces are static. The update of a value needs a complete page reload. The alternative is the use of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology. This short document describes a sample for the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200.

mHT9200-42.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to write a Hello World for the Windows CE-based DNP/9200. The DNP/9200 within the DNP/SK23-WCE Starter Kit comes with a preinstalled Microsoft Windows CE (WCE) operating system. This short document describes how to use Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 for DNP/9200 application programming.

mHT9200-43.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use Visual Studio 2005 and C++ for the Windows CE-based DNP/9200. The DNP/9200 within the DNP/SK23-WCE Starter Kit comes with a preinstalled Microsoft Windows CE (WCE) operating system. This short document describes how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and a project template for DNP/9200 application programming.

mHT9200-44.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the Nmap port scanner with Microsoft Windows. On network security aspects it is sometime necessary to know what TCP or UDP ports are open? A port scanner like Nmap shows the details. Nmap is a free and open source security utility for network exploration and security auditing.

mHT9200-45.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the MB/920-E2M ZigBee interface. The MB/920-E2M smart metering IP gateway base board is also available with a preinstalled Mod/Zbee1 ZigBee mesh networking modem. The DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 software configuration for the MB/920-E2M allows the ZigBee modem usages with AT commands. This short document describes how to setup a Telnet session and how to enter AT commands for the Mod/Zbee1 modem.

mHT9200-46.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the SSV ARM Cross tool chain for Windows and Cygwin. The GCC C/C++ cross tool chain for the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 with Linux kernel version 2.6 is available in two different versions. One version runs within a Linux environment (e.g. PC with Linux O/S or Windows-based PC with coLinux). The second version runs within a Cygwin environment on Windows-based PCs. This short document describes how to use the GCC C/C++ cross tool chain with Windows and Cygwin.

mHT9200-47.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to use the Router Application Kit (RAK) ZigBee interface. The DNP/9200 Router Application Kit (RAK) is also available with a preinstalled Mod/Zbee1 ZigBee mesh networking modem. The DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 software configuration for the RAK allows the ZigBee modem usages with AT commands. This short document describes how to setup a Telnet session and how to enter AT commands for the Mod/Zbee1 modem.

mHT9200-48.pdf: DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 microHOWTO. Title: How to validating your HTML pages. If you are writing HTML code for the DIL/NetPC DNP/9200 web server, please make sure that the HTML is well-formed. This short document shows how to use the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) validator service to check your HTML.

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